Monday, March 2, 2009

Expressing Appreciation

Ok - so it's been a while since I have posted anything on my blog. Again I'm trying to get used to this new form of communication/expression. I'm not used to out in the world "expression", I'm not sure if this generation knows or values privacy - with so much out in the "open" is anyone private anymore??? I'm one of those that doesn't even like to take pictures because of some superstition I heard many years ago. Well enough about that, let me just "express" myself now.

Since Christmas life has brought new beginnings. Life as a gift from God is precious and we sure found that out recently with the recent illness of our littlest new addition to our familia. Baby E was soo sick and we were all so worried yet, my family has this amazing faith that even surprises me at times. It is not new, it is not superficial, it is not corny, it is very, very real and I am so thankful for this gift. It's been the greatest gift my parents have given us - to trust in God and in eachother. We have our moments as a family, we don't always like what we do, but we come together as a family of faith in our love of God, knowing we will find comfort and love in His care.

I continue to pray for my niece's family and the precious little baby that has come into this world to teach us about God. Lord, I ask for a strong healthy baby and family to take care of him. I pray that whatever may happen with any one of us Lord that we never lose sight of You in the midst. Thank you for the wonderful physicians and nurses and health care professionals that cared for our baby and his parents, thank you for V as she cared for Baby E's brother and sister during this time of need and thank you for N who supported us all via text messages to make sure we all were informed. And most of all thank you for the love and strength of our Familia! Amen!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Post Christmas Days 2008

Ok so I'm still trying to figure this whole blog thing out. Need to remember to 1) Post the blog entry, 2) include a title and 3) maybe something picturesque and pretty.

Well Christmas week was a flurry as usual. It started on December 20 with our annual tamalada. It's become a great family tradition to get everyone together to make 60 lbs of tamales. This year friends and significant others were part of the bola. Every year my sister Mima and I think we're going to get the recipe from my mom, and every year we end up for the most part being part of the production team. This year Mima was late, I was busy prepping and A's boyfriend F got the recipe. What's up with that? Mom had to leave early to do posadas and we were left trying to figure it all out. We had great fun, the tamales were fantastic, chicken, spinach, cheeze and chile and cinamon. Yum, yum .

This week also included the anticipation of having all of G's family (14 brothers/sisters) in town, it was great . The sisters-in-law agreed to meet on Dec 24 at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast in SJ. While not all 11 got together 8 of us did make it and I so enjoy their company even if it was for a short while. ME made menudo, A brought a big egg tortilla, and we had Pete's coffee, my favorite, fruit salad, pastries, and who knows what else.

So every year there is a big deal in our family regarding the "December birthdays". Three of my siblings, my niece and sister-in-law celebrate their birthdays in December, the 9,12, 23 and two on the 24th. It's a big deal. We generally have a party sometimes we even have mariachi. I love those times. This year we didn't really plan anything special but my sister Mima made pozole and we went to her house to celebrate by eating, drinking wine and of course doing karaoke in Spanish and English. It's so funny and fun - mom and dad love to sing - I say it's the time they don't fight or argue. So the evening ended with us all going to midnight mass to celebrate the birth of Christ!!! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christmas morning - I can't believe it. We got home late and didn't go to sleep til after 2:00 .a.m. Both the kids were up EARLY, before 9:00 a.m. wanting to OPEN GIFTS. Every other day they sleep in and I cannot make them wake up. On this day I wanted to sleep, I was so tired from the night before and they were fully awake. What a laugh. I was not ready with all the gifts. This year G and I decided we were not going to go out and buy all the gifts we usually buy. We decided to give a donation, this meant alot to me. The desire to change the life of one child was so strong. One of my daily prayers is to have God touch a child's life and this donation will do this. It also made me reflect on what is most important. And so we didn't buy alot - and I realized that even though we didn't buy too much we still had alot to give.

Christmas at mom and dad's - lot's of food, all the family and significant others, our special prayer circle to bless us all and the food we were going to each. Some funny family videos of the kids when they were younger breaking a pinata. Watching this video allowed us to savor moments gone by in such a loving manner. I am grateful that dad has put so much of our special moments on video to savor over and over again.

Christmas at G's mother's house... Quite a stimulating experience, we counted about 56 family members there was no room to sit, stand or even breathe. The gifts were piled high. There must have been 500 gifts in that house. I am not kidding! The kids got a special gift from their tio R - $200 each for their stamp collection (that's another story), A got a two day part pass to her happy place - Disneyland!!!!!! Wow, these kids get it all. I truely hope they realize how lucky and grateful they need to ge. F went with us and joined in a great gag gift game. This tradition is all Cortez, I learned it here with this family and look forward to it every year. Last year for whatever reason we didn't play. This year it started a bit slow, but then reved up. Thirty people played and guess what, i was number 30. I decided to keep the game going by taking my sister in law's bowl and spreader set - she wanted to get rid of it. That started an avalanche of stealing and taking, it was funny, some of the gags included - laptop speakers, Homer Simpson Xmas singer, Raiders cap/mask combo, a book by Barack Obama (what I wanted) a cd with 16 different versions of La Cucaracha (this is truely a Cortez style gag). My brother in law ended the game by picking the last gift - a set of bikini jungle briefs. LOL, LOL, LOL! We laughed so hard. I"m still laughing. Ok so that was all one day.

Day after Christmas - we slept in till very late. then we all went to ME and J's house in the afternoon to see the visitors off. A couple of my sister-in-laws and I watched The Christmas Shoes. I had just finished reading this book two days before. Three of us were crying, sobbing, sniveling, it was such a sad yet touching story. My other sis-in-law didn't cry, she can't be part of the ya-ya sisterhood until she does. We'll see.....

Ok - Again I ate so much that I felt rather sick when I got home.

Saturday -A and A left to go to Sac. The house is so quiet without them. So G and I took off to take in a nice dinner, came home watched a movie in bed and just lounged!!!!

Sunday - Spent the afternoon helping my friend S. Her husband passed away over a year ago and she needed help clearing out his suits. She was not kidding - the may had soooooo many suits. We took out 13 bags full of suits, shirts, pants!!!!! The man had more clothes than any woman I know. But now S has a closet for her things. She needs prayers. I pray for S - Lord give her strength, courage and someone who will love and take care of her because she definitely deserves all your love and caring.

So that was my week off - today - back to work. I'm tired! Oh yeah New Year's is right around the corner.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's on to Christmas! We had a fabulous thanksgiving, so many people, everyone and their mother was there, and I'm not kidding either. Yes this is the time of reflection and preparation and yet this year it's a bit different. Everyday hearing about layoffs, lost homes, businesses and tragedies throughout the world. This "downturn" really demonstrates how we are all linked together on this earth. When we tumble the rest of world tumbles too. Well we (the US) really could'nt have continued being the ultra consumers we have been without consequences. So now we're all buckling down taking stock of what we have and what we really need. All I need is health for me and my loved ones and God's love and protection!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweet 16

Well my son turned 16 yesterday. Such a special age. I remember my 16th birthday, couldn't wait to go to DMV and get my license so that I could drive around. My only thoughts in those days was, get in the car and go! Gas was an incredible 32 cents a gallon. Took less than $5 to fill the tank. I could get to LA on less than $10. Well those were the days. Not that I drove to LA at 16, I waited till I was 17 to do that. LOL

A's 16th birthday is so different. Friends on Friday playing guitar hero 4 and spending the night, the four of us out Saturday night at Yoshi's for dinner and a jazz show and yes, funfetti cake and ice cream with familia on Sunday, his actual birthday. No planned birthday party like when he was little. I'll never forget his 3rd birthday at Discovery Zone - he was sooooooo happy, beaming, saying he was the happiest boy in the entire world! He loved to slam himself against the wall after riding down the rope. Laughing like crazy! I loved those days, making him happy is so easy. He's always been such an easy child to raise. The day he was born I felt this complete sense of completeness. Our lives were totally and fully complete! Just as it was meant to be.

While A wanted to drive at the beginning of summer, he doesn't seem to be in any real hurry now. He's rather practical, wants to practice before he gets on the freeway. Playing soccer, trumpet and yes guitar hero are the favorite past times now. No drama, like with his sister A... but that just may be a girl thing. The biggest complaint I have ever received from a teacher of his was - he's too good. Wasn't too sure what to do with that. Didn't I want him to be good? Well she was worried he was too much of a pleaser. And yes he can be, but he is also very much his own self, with his own thoughts, ideas, likes, dislikes, talents. Any yes he's a great good young man!

I pray that A will be a man of faith, his name means "defender of men" - I know he will make a true difference in this world for the better.

I love you my son!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Try Again...

Did I mess up! Don't know what happened to my last post. It's somewhere in post virtual land

Freeflowing Thoughts

OK! I'm still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing. I sent myself a comment instead of posting. What a nini! Only two people in the whole world know I've got this blog thing going on. I'm not one to tell others what I'm doing until I can at least be proficient. It's one of my flaws, proficiency matters! I'm sure it has something to do with dad drilling in me "you gotta be the best". Not that I think I'm some kind of perfectionist because God knows, I'm not! As I've been contemplating what to write I realize I think too much and so I'd just better allow myself to freeflow. While I imagine myself freeflowing..... it's not something I allow myself to do very often. Who the hell knows why...?

I did write down a list of things I wanted to talk to my children about. Themes that matter to me that I would hope would matter to them too, like love, justice, respect, spirituality, sex and so many more. I also have thought about writing stories about my Big Fat Latino Family (although we are not fat) and people I have encountered in my 48 years of life. I have been blessed with a beautiful family and we've got some great stories. Also there are just so many Latino stories. A theme I have often thought about is stories of women crossing the border. I can't even imagine this experience and yet I know so many women who have made the trip to this country, sacrificing more than they could ever have imagined.

My writing would be about life, my life, the life I see and feel around me.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Here I will post all my favorite and not so favorite things. Passion is about feeling, sensing and being in live. I'm new at this but not new at new things. Does this make sense? It does to me, that is what matters the most.