Monday, March 2, 2009

Expressing Appreciation

Ok - so it's been a while since I have posted anything on my blog. Again I'm trying to get used to this new form of communication/expression. I'm not used to out in the world "expression", I'm not sure if this generation knows or values privacy - with so much out in the "open" is anyone private anymore??? I'm one of those that doesn't even like to take pictures because of some superstition I heard many years ago. Well enough about that, let me just "express" myself now.

Since Christmas life has brought new beginnings. Life as a gift from God is precious and we sure found that out recently with the recent illness of our littlest new addition to our familia. Baby E was soo sick and we were all so worried yet, my family has this amazing faith that even surprises me at times. It is not new, it is not superficial, it is not corny, it is very, very real and I am so thankful for this gift. It's been the greatest gift my parents have given us - to trust in God and in eachother. We have our moments as a family, we don't always like what we do, but we come together as a family of faith in our love of God, knowing we will find comfort and love in His care.

I continue to pray for my niece's family and the precious little baby that has come into this world to teach us about God. Lord, I ask for a strong healthy baby and family to take care of him. I pray that whatever may happen with any one of us Lord that we never lose sight of You in the midst. Thank you for the wonderful physicians and nurses and health care professionals that cared for our baby and his parents, thank you for V as she cared for Baby E's brother and sister during this time of need and thank you for N who supported us all via text messages to make sure we all were informed. And most of all thank you for the love and strength of our Familia! Amen!